Thursday, August 12, 2010

And So They Came...

And so they came
With silver horses and food for all

I swam in that goodness until I drowned
Until I drifted down river and met the sun and the sky

These giants hide in hearts where the mirror is clean
They spoke in song and played on instruments that I have never seen
But have felt in distant dreams

The strings of my heart
The drums of my bones

This symphony has been heard many a time before
But in this world...

It is remembered by only a chosen few


  1. i like i like brother.

    "these giants hide in hearts where the mirror is clean
    They spoke in song and played on instruments that I have never seen"

    great visual line. wow.

  2. So we dream it seems to catch memories to form words that take us back to our old world, where we were, and riding silver horses in golden light. We live this life, honoring that place in the mixing of our poetry. (Trying to get it write.)
